Buff McAllister
I create abstract fabric wall hangings, with bold designs and rich color. My themes are universal: exploring communications and relationships among people; seeking meaning in life; drawing attention to the beauty and fragility of our planet; celebrating the rich diversity of all the life sharing our world.
Coming from a long line of artistic people, my passion for creating is in my genes. With grandmother and mother both sewers, I was naturally drawn to sewing and later weaving, which had fascinated me from an early age. I studied textiles and clothing in college.
I am a charter member and current president of the Catskill Artists Gallery, a co-op located in Liberty, NY from 2002 to 2012. The physical gallery closed, but five members stayed together and continue to participate in arts and crafts shows in several states and on our website.
My work is owned by many private collectors, and has been shown at many venues. A commissioned work hangs in the foyer of a building in New York City. In 2016, I had a work juried into a prestigious show at the Textile Museum in Washington, DC. I won the Juror's Choice Award in 2017 at a show sponsored by the Pocono Arts Council.
Boyds Mills Press, the book-publishing arm of the award-winning children's magazine, "Highlights for Children," published my book Sewing with Felt, a child's first sewing book; I designed and made all the projects and wrote the text.
I have been a member of a weaving guild for over 30 years, have won prizes in weaving competitions, and created best-selling posters for auctions to benefit a local arts organization. I also have an active law practice in Liberty, New York.